IV Therapy

Comprehensive Integrative Psychiatric located in Hingham and Duxbury, MA

IV Therapy

About IV Therapy

Unlock the power of optimal mental health with IV In Office Infusions at Pivotcare. Say goodbye to vitamin deficiencies that impact mental health and hello to a revitalized you. Our medically supervised treatments deliver essential nutrients and antioxidants directly into your system, ensuring fast improvement and lasting results. With lab testing to confirm the suitability of this treatment for you, trust Pivotcare to provide simple, effective, and personalized care that will leave you feeling nourished from the inside out. Take charge of your wellbeing today with IV In Office Infusions at Pivotcare.

PivotCare offers  a variety of IV drip packages ranging from a recovery-boosting  to an antioxidants. Intravenous (IV) vitamin infusion therapy is a fast, easy, safe way to deliver nutrients straight to the cells that need them. When delivering nutrients via intravenous injection, vital compounds can bypass slow and inefficient digestion processes and become readily available for metabolic use. IV therapy drips are delivered intravenously in our Duxbury office as a vital  integrative care service, and they usually take anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour. During this time, you’ll be seated comfortably while the drip is administered. We offer  different combinations available depending on your needs and goals as well as our clincial recommendations based on Testing.



PivotCare Precison Psychiatry offers an office-based IV infusions which is  a medical procedure that a patient receives via  intravenous (IV) therapy in the clinical or office setting, rather than in a hospital. This therapy involves administering fluids, medications, or  vitamin infusions, directly into a patient's bloodstream through a vein. These are done by licensed Nurse Practitioners or our Registered Nurses. 

Vitamin infusions, also known as IV vitamin therapy, involve a mixture of vitamins and minerals delivered intravenously. This method bypasses the digestive system, allowing for higher levels of vitamins and minerals to be delivered directly to the body’s cells. Here are some potential benefits:

  1. Increased Vitamin Absorption: Certain medical conditions or dietary restrictions can lead to vitamin deficiencies. IV vitamin therapy ensures direct absorption into the bloodstream, which can be more effective for individuals who have trouble absorbing nutrients from food.

  2. Hydration: Along with vitamins and minerals, IV infusions provide hydration, which is beneficial for overall health, especially for those who struggle with adequate fluid intake.

  3. Customization: IV vitamin infusions can be tailored to meet the specific health needs or deficiencies of an individual.

  4. Immediate Effect: Since the vitamins and minerals are delivered directly into the bloodstream, patients may experience benefits more quickly compared to oral supplements.

  5. Convenience and Comfort: Receiving this treatment in an office-based setting can be more comfortable and convenient for patients compared to hospital settings.

  6. Potential Wellness Benefits: Some people report improvements in energy levels, immune function, and overall wellness after receiving IV vitamin therapy.

It's important to note that while PivotCare  IV vitamin therapy can offer benefits, it's not a cure-all and should be considered as part of a broader health and wellness plan. It's crucial for patients to  consult withour PivotCare Nurse Practitioner Team before consenting to these  treatments to ensure it's safe and appropriate for their specific health needs. If needed we will  refer our patients to their PCP  for further medical follow up.